History of the society Part 5 LGBT Archive – a descriptive listing
2 LGBT Archive – a descriptive listing (Available from Society Library)
1. 1980/1981: Founding of GaySoc
1.1. “UCC GaySoc Accuses College” Sunday Tribune 15 Feb. 1981 p.2
A4 Photocopy of original – headline missing – photograph accompanies article: “Members of the UCC Gay Society photographed at the Students Union office” – keyed identification added by CK
1.2. UCC Students Handbook Diary 1980-81 – a students union production
Eds. Denis Lyons BA & Charles Kerrigan BA; A5 106p
P.31 - Diary entry @ Sat 29 Nov reads: “Philosophical Society – ‘That this house supports the Establishment of a College Gaysoc by the Students Union”
1.3. UCC Welfare Booklet 1980-81 – a students union production
Ed. Denis O’Donoghue, Deputy General Secretary; A5 81p
P.36-38 “Homosexuality” & p.38-39 “The Lesbian Movement” written by Cathal Kerrigan
1.4. a) “Disjointed Board – joint board: farce or faction”
b) “Clubs & Societies News: Gay Soc”
c) “USI Annual Congress 1981 - UCC the Kingmakers”
The Sage – A Students O(U)nion Publication 3rd Issue Febuaree..’81
Ten A4 pages – photocopies of pages (unnumbered) from issue – a) is on fourth page; b) is on seventh page & c) on the second and lists ten members of delegation.
b) reads in part:
“What is the function of the UCC Gay Society?
Many do not realise that gay organisations exist, while some of those who do are apprehensive about going to them, perhaps for fear of being ‘labelled’ and thus further isolated from society. Basically, the aim of the UCC Gay Society, is to promote the social, political and legal well-being of gay people in UCC and in society at large.
The societyis open to everyone – gay or non-gay. YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE GAY TO JOIN.
Meetings are held every Thursday at lunchtime in the Committee in the Students’ Union Offices at 4, Carrigside, College Road.”
d) Photograph of UCC/SU delegation to 23rd USI Annual Congress
1.5. Photograph from S.U. Graduation Dinner Dance [Grads Ball]
Held on Friday 7 November 1980 – see Item 1.2, page 25
On left hand side of photo can be seen Mairtín Mac an Ghoill; further to his left can be seen the Cathal Kerrigan’s chest with the Students Union’s General Secretary’s chain of office.
1.6. Various photocopies related to Charles Kerrigan [aka Cathal Ó’Ciarragáin, Cathal Kerrigan]
1.6.1. a) UCC Record 1980 page 80 “Classics Society”
“Secretary: Charles Kerrigan”
b) “School urged to teach the classics” Cork Examiner (?) Feb. 1980
One page A4 photocopy of both
1.6.2. “Congress Report – 23rd Annual Congress White’s Hotel, Wexford
15-18th January ‘81” USI News January 1981 pages 4 & 5
One A3 page - photocopies of original.
Page 4 contains photo of Denis O’Donoghue & two photos of Charles Kerrigan (one mislabelled ‘Brendan Smith UCG’!)
1.6.3. a) Press Release dated 12 February 1981 from UCC Students Union
b) “Students Condemn Harassment” Cork Examiner 7 Mar 1981
c) Press Release dated 23rd February 1981 from UCC Students Union
d) Press Release dated 25th February 1981 from UCD Students Union
e) UCD Students Union Compliment slip with greeting from
Marguerite Ahern, President of UCD SU to ‘Charles’
Three A3 pages - photocopies of originals
All relate to arrest of Mairtín Mac an Ghoill on 21st Feb. 1981. Part of greeting on compliment slip reads: “I’ll come to see you in jail if I’ve not been lifted myself by then!”
1.6.4. Various press cuttings
One A3 sheet with three press cuttings:
Sunday Independent 4 May 1980
“I hear that a son of the late Cork labour TD…….”
Sunday Independent 11 May 1980
“Charles Kerrigan, son of former labour T.D. Pat Kerrigan, claimed his first electoral victory recently when he topped the poll for the position of general secretary of the students’ union in UCC”
Evening Echo 4 March 1978
“Drama by Robert O’Donoghue: Granary Experiment…among people involved in the forthcoming double bill are Charles Kerrigan, Denis Donoghue, Theo Dorgan, Tony Galvin…”
1.6.5. “Cathal O’Ciarragain” Munster Queer (G)CN May 1992 p.1
One A3 page – photocopy of original
Profile of Cathal written by Dónal Sheehan. Munster GCN was a four page pull-out supplement to Gay Community News
2. 1981/1988: Interim Years
2.1. “Working Group on Gay + Lesbian Rights – 1 Nov. 1987 USI”
One sheet A4 notepad handwritten minutes of meeting on both sides.
Attendance includes Deirdre Mortell – UCC and concludes:
“If no one comes to UCC Group, meet in Quay Co-op!”
2.2. “Sexuality Conference: to be held on 6th and 7th February 1988”
One sheet A4 paper
Contains Preliminary Agenda with handwritten notes [by Deirdre Mortell?]
2.3. “Agenda 24/2/88”
One sheet A4 notepad handwritten on one side only.
Reads in part:
“1) Where are we going? Aims + priorities
6) Possible research into our history”
2.4. Letter from Dublin University Gay Society to UCC Gay Society Secretary dated 28th April 1988
One sheet A4 headed paper.
An invitation to a 60’s party.
2.5. a) “To UCC Lesbian and Gay Group” The Gazette 28 April 1988 page 3
A4 page torn from original publication; printed both sides.
Letter from Dermot Kelly complaining about an article in the same publication [Vol. 3, Issue 17 – 18th Feb. 1988] announcing the founding of a gay society. Followed immediately by a letter from Deirdre Mortell headed Rights Officier Replies
b) “Lesbian and Gay Group” The Gazette 28 April 1988 page 14
A4 page torn from original publication; printed both sides.
Piece written by Anne O’Donnell reporting on a public meeting held by the GaySoc on 13th April 1988
2.6. Various flyers
Three stapled A4 sheets with two smaller cut-up flyers attached to top sheet.
Flyers publicising:
a) “Lesbian & gay Support Group Meeting every Tuesday 6pm – 7pm
b) “Videos 1-2 Tue. 14 mar. ‘Before Stonewall’”
c) “UCC Lesbian \ Gay Support group + WRAC + Women’s Group – ‘The right to love’ – public meeting Wed. 30th Nov. W5”
d) “UCC Lesbian \ Gay Support group + WRAC + Women’s Group – public meeting on ‘Sexuality’ – Speakers: Donal Sheehan(‘Unite for Change Group), John Calnan (Cork Gay Collective), Geraldine McCarthy (Cork Lesbian Collective) Wed. 30th Nov. W5”
2.7. “First A.G.M. of UCC Lesbian and Gay Support Group”
One sheet A4 notepad handwritten on both sides. Not dated
Consists of a listing of possible agenda items / ideas – includes towards end: “Put articles in The Gazette – excerpts from ‘Out for Ourselves’’”
2.8. a) “David Norris”
Two stapled sheets A4 notepad handwritten on both sides first sheet. Not dated.
Notes taken of a talk given by David Norris.
b) 14 notecards [2”x 11/2” approx] from same talk.
Handwritten in red ink.
Includes notes such as:
“1980 GaySoc proposed 4-3 against JB”
“Norris: Sean Teegan banned Law Soc homosexuality meeting”
“UCD Gay Soc denied recognition / Line > Quay Co-op”
2.9. “Gay group in UCC would like to extend an invitation to any gay or lesbian student who would like to meet others in the strictest confidence – Contact Rights Officer c/o Student Union Building, College Road.”
Fragment of notepad paper. Not dated. Handwritten draft text.
2.10. USI related texts?
Four stapled A4 type-written sheets. Not dated.
a) “Sexual Rights Group”
b) “Lesbian and Gay Rights and Students Unions”
c) “Lesbians & Gay Men”
d) Address list of college Rights Officers – includes Sandra Buckley, UCC.
2.11. “Proposal – Gay Society”
One sheet A4 notepad handwritten on both sides. [18th Nov. 1986?].
Written as send up? Signed ‘proposed president Alex (UCC Gay Society)’.
2.12. Collette Sheridan “Campus Crusade” Hot Press March 1988 page 7
A3 photocopy of original article.
Article reviews history and then state of college gaysocs including UCC. Includes quotes from Charles Kerrigan, Deirdre Mortell and Arthur Leahy. Includes statement that “five people now attend the weekly meetings. Two of the members, including Deirdre and a friend, are straight.”
3. 1988/1989: Recognition
3.1. “Lesbian + Gay Support Society members”
Two A4 sheets and five ruled foolscap pages of signatures.
First A4 sheet contains: Mick Quinlan Arts / DSW 2
Second A4 sheet contains: Josephine O’Halloran LLM 2 and William O’Connor Soc Sc 2
Second foolscap sheet headed:
“You do not have to be lesbian or gay to join. This is our first year. We fought very hard to beat descrimination [sic]. Support us to continue.”
3.2. Various flyers
Two stapled A4 sheets with two smaller cut-up flyers attached to top sheet.
Flyers publicising:
a) “UCC Lesbian/Gay Support Group - ’There is more to love than boy meets girl’ – we meet every Thursday at 1p.m – confidential for further information – ring Gay Information … Lesbian Line ../ or Contact John Kelleher 276871 Ext. 2367 / Sandra Buckley c/o Student Union building”
b) “UCC Lesbian and Gay Support Group – Meeting Thursday at 1p.m. – Venue: contact John Kelleher (SU President) or ring Gay Information (Cork)…
a appears to be draft for final version b
3.3. Launch of campaign
3.3.1. Copy of Gazette Vol. 4, Issue 19 March 19th 1989
a) Page 4 is full page boxed advert reading in part:
“The Lesbian and Gay Support Group
has embarked on a campaign to get
recognition as a society in UCC
Both the Societys [sic] Guild and the
Students Union have granted our request.
We now face three other hurdles:
1. The Joint Board
2. The Academic Council
3. The UCC Governing Body
The Joint Board will meet on Thursday
16th March to reach a decision
As a lead upto that meeting we intend to:
Contact all the Clubs/Societies and Heads of Departments
to write to the Government [sic] Body and support our request
Some weeks ago the Academic Council in UCD in their wisdom (?) turned down a similar request ..by 23 votes to 20
b) Page 11 under heading Rights Officer contains:
“Sandra Buckley 2nd Arts, who is running for re-election, has helped in getting the gay and lesbian group on the next Joint Board adjenda [sic] in its attempt to get society recognition”
3.3.2. Eight copies of same A4 flyer stapled together on pink/rose paper
Photocopy of 3.3.1.a
3.4. Various leaflets
3.4.1. “Why we need a Lesbian and Gay Support Group in UCC”
Five stapled copies of same A4 leaflet. Dated: February 1989
Contains three names at end of text:
Josephine O’Halloran LLM1 Mick Quinlan DSW1 Emmet Flynn Soc. Sci. 1
3.4.2. “Why we need a Lesbian and Gay Support Group in UCC”
Two stapled typed A4 sheets.
Original draft of 3.4.1
3.4.3. “The Lesbian and gay Group exist [sic] to provide a setting for Students/Staff who consider themselves Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual.”
One typed A4 sheet. Undated.
Five short paragraphs – draft for aims / purpose?
3.5. Joint Board
3.5.1. Flyer
On blue paper Undated.
Advertising support meeting opening reads:
“In 1981 the college authorities refused to recognise a Lesbian/Gay Society in UCC. Joint Board will again be voting on this issue on Thursday February 9th.”
3.5.2. Flyer
Same as 3.5.1
Advertising support meeting opening reads:
“In 1981 the college authorities refused to recognise a Lesbian/Gay Society in UCC. Joint Board will again be voting on this issue on Thursday [February 9th – crossed out by blue marker].”
3.5.3. Clubs & Societies petitions
a) Letter dated “Feb/89”
One A4 sheet
Reads in part:
“We feel that now is the time, especially in the light of the Norris Decision to …seek[ing] recognition. We hope that this letter and petition will be presented to the committee meeting and that your club/society will support us with as many members as possible signing it.”
There are four names at end of letter:
Josephine O’Halloran, Sandra Buckley, Emmet Flynn & Mick Quinlan
b) “This is a petition supporting the Official Recognition of the Lesbian/Gay Support Group as a Society”
Four copies of A4 blank petition sheets.
c) “This is a petition supporting the Official Recognition of the Lesbian/Gay Support Group as a Society”
Thirteen copies of A4 signed petition sheets.
One each from: Law Society, Earthwatch Society, Classics Society, UCC Macra na Feirme, Historical Society, German, Fianna Fáil, Medieval and Renaissance Society.
Five from: Free Legal Aid Society (F.L.A.C.)
3.5.3 a-c all stapled together.
3.6. Academic Council
3.6.1. Flyer
Two stapled copies of A5 flyer. Undated.
Adopted from 3.3.1a. Reads in part:
“..is continuing its campaign for recognition…On March 16th the Joint Board voted 4 – 2 in favour of our request. We now face two other hurdles: 1) The Academic Council; 2) The UCC Governing Body”
3.6.2. Draft Text
A4 typed sheet. Undated.
Original drafting for 3.6.1
3.6.3. Letter template
Three stapled A4 typed sheets. Undated.
Opening paragraph reads:
“As you will have seen from your Agenda for Friday’s Academic Council, the Joint Board has recommended the provisional recognition of a Gay and Lesbian Support Group in UCC. Since I am unlikely to be able to attend the meeting and since I have been closely with the students making the request I am writing to ask you to vote in favour of the Joint Board’s recommendation.”
Salutation: Yours sincerely, Garrett Barden
3.6.4. a) Handwritten Letter dated 8 February 1989
From: Dr. Garrett Barden, Dean of Arts
To: Ms. Josephine O’Halloran.
“This is not perfect but better I think than the other. (I am only a beginner in the TEX programme which was used to print this [3.6.4a is stapled to the letter].) let me know if you want corrections made. Sincerely, Garrett.
p.s. I think you should go out of your way to see the President as I am hopeful that he will support you. If I get a chance I shall speak to him. Garrett.”
b) Letter template.
One A4 typed sheet stapled to 3.6.4 which it accompanied.
“Students Union, 4, Carrigside, College road, Cork.
Dear [Blank]
On behalf of the Lesbian and Gay Support Group we would hope that you would agree to a meeting with two of our members to discuss our application for official recognition. We believe that such a meeting would be of benefit as it would allow us to clarify our position and answer any questions you may have.
Yours sincerely, Josephine O’Halloran (LLM1)”
3.6.5. “In addition to the submission enclosed…”
Two stapled A4 copies of same text. Photocopies of poor quality. Undated.
First paragraph deals with AIDS, second with Norris case. Addendum to lost submission to Academic Council?
3.6.6. Letter dated 23 February 1989
From: Dr. S. Condon (Acting Head), Department of Food Microbiology
To: Ms. Josephine O’Halloran.
“I acknowledge receipt of your recent document re Lesbian and Gay Support Group in UCC. I expect that this item will be debated at the next meeting of the Joint Board. As your position is detailed in the document, a meeting to clarify issues is not necessary at this time. If however, the debate at the Joint Board meeting indicates that I need further clarification, I will get in contact with you.”
3.6.7. “Academic Council – April 14th 27 – 7”
Two stapled A4 sheets.
Photocopy of list of Academic Council membership (from College Calendar?).
Second sheet has department affiliation handwritten beside names; under ‘President’ Dr. T. Ó Ciardha is struck through and ‘Mortell’ written below.
Top sheet is photocopy of second and has ‘April 14th 27 – 7’ in large handwriting across the top.
3.6.8. “Meetings”
Eleven stapled A4 sheets. Photocopies (from College Calendar?) detailing college meetings and staff by department.
3.7. Governing Body
3.7.1. Flyer
One copy of A5 flyer. Undated.
Adopted from 3.3.1a. Reads in part:
“.has reached the final stage in its campaign for official recognition…Every representative body in UCC has supported us.
The Students Union Executive 9 – 1 in favour.
The Clubs and Societies Guild 9 – 2 in favour.
Joint Board 4 – 2 in favour
Academic Council 27 – 7 in favour.
The UCC Governing Body will finally decide the issue on Tuesday 25th April.
With the exception of Trinity College, Dublin, no other University has recognised Lesbian and Gay Society. Recognition has been consistently refused. We hope UCC will be the first College to recognise the Rights of Lesbian and Gay Students. ”
3.7.2. “University College Cork – Governing Body, 1/2/ 1989 – 31/1/ 1992”
Three A4 sheets. Photocopies of Governing Body membership list.
First sheet has some names inked out; ‘can’t attend’ written against two names; seven names highlighted in yellow; and a tick opposite ten names. Written large in blue at end: “28 members – 2 def. Can’t attend – 26 votes max. – 10 def. Votes?”
Second sheet is identical original to first. This has no names inked out; ‘can’t attend’ written against two names; no names highlighted in yellow; and each name has either a tick an ‘x’ or an ‘o’ opposite it. Written large in red at end: “14 No – 10 Yes – 3 not attending”.
3.7.3. Handwritten Letter dated 20 April 1989
From: Rt. Rev. R.A. Warke, Bishop of Cork Cloyne and Ross
To: Ms. Josephine O’Halloran.
“I write to confirm receipt of your letter and enclosure of 18th April. Unfortunately I will be away for the meeting of the Governing Body on 25th April but I have read your supporting document with interest.”
3.7.4. Letter dated 24 April 1989
From: Fr. Aidan O’Driscoll, Assistant Diocesan Secretary
To: Ms. Josephine O’Halloran.
“I write on behalf of His Lordship, Bishop Murphy, to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 18th inst., for which he thanks you. The Bishop regrets that he will be unable to attend the Governing Body Meeting on the 25th of April, as he is on the Confirmations circuit.”
3.7.5. Handwritten Letter dated 20 April 1989
From: Prof. S. Doonan, Dept. of Biochemistry
To: Ms. Josephine O’Halloran.
Reads in part:
“I am in favour of recognition of the Group by College and expressed this view in the vote at Academic Council.
Unfortunately I will not be present at the Governing Body on 25th April where I would certainly again have voted in favour.”
3.7.6. Handwritten Letter undated
From: Ian Spillane (Secretary) & Members of the Sociological Society
To: unstated
Reads in part:
“We recall the previous decisions of UCD and Maynooth as petty attempts to cling to a Catholic censorship. As students we deplore any forms of censorship..”
3.8. Celebration
3.8.1. “University College Cork officially recognises lesbian / gay society”
Press release dated 25.4.89. Two stapled A4 typed pages.
Reads in part:
“Jubilant at the success of their long campaign for recognition members of the group today called on other NUI colleges to follow the example of UCC.”
3.8.2. Handwritten Letter dated 26 April 1989
From: Tom Cooney (Chairperson ICCL) c/o Faculty of Law UCD
To: Ms. Josephine O’Halloran.
Reads in part:
“I am writing to express my delight…The ICCL would like to write to UCD…I’d be glad of any advice your group could provide us with regarding contents…”
3.8.3. Handwritten Letter dated 26 April 1989
From: Cathal Ó’Ciarragáin [aka Charles Kerrigan]
To: Ms. Josephine O’Halloran.
Reads in part:
“Congratulations! A GREAT VICTORY!! …I enclose a copy of a letter I’ve sent to the newspapers…p.s. Ye’re great!”
Stapled to letter is two page photocopy of hand printed letter sent to national newspapers (but never published). Reads in part:
“In 1980 I was told by some among the UCC college authorities that the only reason they could not support the recognition motion was because ‘all the NUI colleges would have to act simultaneously to recognise GaySocs.’ I feel sure that the same excuse has been used recently in UCG, UCD and Maynooth. Now that UCC has led the way there can be no further camouflage for these colleges to hide their homophobic prejudice.”
3.8.4. Letter dated 28 April 1989
From: Gay Switchboard Dublin
To: Ms. Josephine O’Halloran.
Reads in part:
“We see this as being a very significant step forward for gay people in Cork and hopefully through the Lesbian and Gay Support Group many more lesbians and gay men will be able to ‘come out’. Congratulations!”
3.8.5. Greeting card - undated
From: Cork AIDS Alliance
To: UCC Lesbian and Gay Support Group.
Invitation to Celebrity Charity Auction attached.
3.8.6. Gazette Vol. 4, Issue 20 Thursday April 27th 1989
Top of cover reads:
“NEWSFLASH: UCC has become the first NUI College to officially recognise the ‘Lesbian and Gay Society’. The Governing Body vote last Tuesday was 13:7.”
Page two contains start of letter to editor from K.B. Reads in part:
“Well here we are in the third term…the best time or the safest time to sneak in anything controversial such as a ‘gay/lesbian soc’…Gay/Lesbian people are generally unacceptable and are not encouraged outside of college so I don’t see why UCC should be different…”
Letter continues on page 22 where a reply from Josephine O’Halloran follows. Reads in part:
“We decided in January to apply for official recognition as a society. …At every stage we circulated flyers in the library, Common Room and the restaurants…We hhad motions put before the Law Society and Philosoph, both of which were supported…We encountered very little opposition but met with a lot of support…what is unacceptable is ignorance and prejudice which is something this group aims to confront..”
3.8.7. “Gay group get UCC recognition” Cork Examiner 26 April 1989
page one.
Blown up photocopy of original on A3 blue coloured paper. Reads in part:
“We are often told how conservative and intolerant Irish people are on issues like this, Ms. O’Halloran said. The experience of this campaign suggests that, whatever fears and prejudices may have been instilled into us, Irish people are fundamentally tolerant and respectful of individual rights when they are faced with real people rather than abstractions.”
3.8.8. “April 26th 1989”
Collage on buff coloured A3 paper of three press cuttings and one photograph.
Press cuttings are without source or date:
“College recognises gays group” Irish Independent 26/4/89
“Gays win official status at UCC” Irish Press 26/4/89
“Sex – who cares: Micheline McCormack Column”
Sunday World (21/4/89?)
Photograph is of two people unfolding a large scroll in the beer garden of Loafers Bar. Scroll has lesbian & gay symbols, ends with ‘Soc 25 Apr 1989’ and is covered with individual signatures in red marker.
3.8.9. Photos
Five colour photographs from Victory Party – held 25 April 1989?
a) Josephine O’Halloran & Dr. Garrett Barden
b) John Calnan, Josephine O’Halloran, Arthur Leahy and A.N. Other – scroll is seen hanging from ceiling in background.
c) William O’Connor
d) William O’Connor and A.N. Other
e) Unidentified couple
3.8.10. “Cork Pulls It Off!” Gay Community News February Issue 1990
pages 3 & 5
Article describing the campaign for recognition. Reads in part:
“..the first meeting of the group (in October 1988) agreed that there would be no point in even applying for recognition from UCC!… on the 15th [December] a public meet ing was held. The idea for official recognition took shape around this time. Two prominent liberal academics took the initiative of approaching the group to offer their support…
All 70 members of Academic Council were sent a submission and also received a letter from Garrett Barden…thirty potential supporters were lobbied personally by him, Prof. John Maguire and John Kelleher, President of the SU…
The discussion of the proposal occupied over an hour…the greatest impact was made by John A. Murphy’s speech in favour… the vote was 27 – 7 in favour. The President abstained…
..Governing Body..discussion was prolonged occupying most of the meeting. The vote went 13 – 7 in favour …the President voted in favour…Mick Quinlan’s arrival as a mature student certainly sparked off much of this activity…”
3.8.11. “L & G Support Group”
Two A4 typed sheets stapled together. Undated.
A draft of 3.8.10. Slight variations. Main difference is absence of last two sentences of the published article; the final sentence reads:
“One could scarcely imagine a lesbian or gay group being recognised by the College under the previous President, Tadhg Carey.”
On back of second page is handwritten note which reads:
“Joe + Brendan –
This needs to be put in paragraphs etc. I spoke to Josephine & she will need to see the final draft before printing. Arthur was suggesting it might be held over for a ‘student edition’ in the autumn. I don’t mind how you choose to publish it.”
4. Miscellaneous
4.1. a) Greeting card - undated
From: Cork AIDS Alliance
To: UCC Lesbian and Gay Support Group.
Reads in part:
“Many thanks for the very welcome bank notes we received
from you before Christmas.”
b) Letter dated 26 October 1988
From: Cork AIDS Alliance
To: Ms. Sandra Buckley
Reads in part:
“We’re delighted that you are interested in the possibility of
setting up an Aids [sic] group in UCC.”
4.2. Handwritten note – undated - on back of 3.4.1
“Josephine – The file is in the bookshop upstairs for collection
– Dónal Wed. 1:30p.m.”
4.3. Letter dated 20 July 1989
From: Alasdair Paterson, Acting Librarian, Boole Library, UCC
To: Mr. M. McGrath, President, Students’ Union, UCC
A4 sheet. Reads in part:
“Thank you for your letter regarding the alleged misbehaviour
of Security Staffin the Library towards a student [sc. Josephine
Stapled to the letter is a single sheet a photocopy of a policy statement on Sexual Harrassment from University of California.
4.4. UCC Photo ID of Josephine O’Halloran as 2nd Law student 1986/87
4.5. Tom O’Malley “Norris v Ireland – an Opportunity for Law Reform”
Irish Law Times December 1988 pages 279 – 284
Photocopy of article
4.6. Letter dated 14 June 1985
From: Bill Foley, Gay/Lesbian Pride Week Group, Dublin
To: Circular letter seeking support for march on 29th June.
4.7. Letter undated
From: Edmund Lynch & Maurice McCafferkey, Out Editorial Board
To: Circular letter seeking financial support – ‘donation form’ at
end of page torn off – indicating contribution made?
4.8. “Homosexuality is not a disease” The Sunday Tribune [28 January 1989?]
Press cutting torn from newspaper containing Letters to the Editor regarding gay law reform.
4.9. NGF News August / September 1985
4.10. The Sage – Christmas Issue Issue 2 December 1980
Twenty A4 stapled sheets first 15 are of the original magazine; 16th page is copy of insert apologizing for increase in cover price; 17 – 20 are copies of leaflets distributed in connection with catering campaign.
4.11. “The Student Union in UCC 1972 – 1981”
Eight A4 sheets - Photocopy of typed piece
– dated at end: 23rd February 1981, Cork
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